Department demonstrates computer expertise



Dr. Os Monkewich, Manager

Protocol and Conformance DSI

demonstrates file transferral

with a computer image of

Communications Minister Marcel Masse

Canada's computer expertise was demonstrated internationally when Department employees at a conference in Tokyo transferred files between computer systems located around the world.


During the live demonstration, employees transferred files containing a full-colour rendition of the Canadian flag and a computer image of Communications Minister Marcel Masse between laboratories in Ottawa, Tokyo and Seoul.


The success of the demonstration was attributed to Hua Chang, a computer programmer in the Department's Systems Interconnection Research, and Os Monkewich, Manager, Protocol and Conformance, Systems Interconnection Research.


A Memorandum of Understanding for technical co-operation was recently signed between the Department and Japan's Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI). This provides a framework for collaboration to harmonize Canadian and Japanese efforts towards achieving compatibility in computer systems interworking.


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