Jim Bromley






Jim Bromley worked in the Telecom Reg's section of the DOC from as far back as 1972 or earlier until he moved to Transport Canada, air and marine radio, in the early 1980's. Before that he worked in the far north with Art Carew and Alex Winsor, in Frobisher I believe. 


Jim was a big lad and always full of zest for life. When the DG at the time ordered all officers in the Department to wear shirts and ties he came to work in a yellow suit (short pants) and a polka-dot tie! Jim excelled as a regulator and always had good words for everyone. His good humour never got in the way of getting the job done.


Jim died of a heart attack shortly after his retirement. I'm guessing but it had to be around 1992.


Laval Desbiens

January 2006

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